The ASME MBE Standards Committee and Working Groups will meet during the week of 15 NOV 2021. The focus of the meetings will be on the processes and practices of developing, adopting, and implementing MBE standards. The full agenda for the week and each day are highlighted below.

Zoom Meeting Information:
Zoom Meeting ID: 97362820379 / Passcode: 070190
Day 1, TUE 11/16:
- Overview of direction and purpose of MBE and the Standards
- Standards Committee & Working Groups Status
- MBSD Processes and Practices
- Modeling / Architecture frameworks
- Modeling artifacts
- Testing, Evaluation, Verification, and Validation
Day 2, WED 11/17:
- Development Workflows
- Use of XMI, meta use cases, etc.
- Release Workflows
- What kind of releases (0.y, X.0, X.y, etc.)?
- Relationship between release types
Day 3, THU 11/18:
- How will industry adopt and consume the standards?
- Plan for acquiring early adopters
Day 4, FRI 11/19:
- Summary / capture of development ecosystem status and additional needs
- Review of emerging new-work packages
- Implementers Support / Forum
- Develop and vote on resolutions
We meet April 20-23, 2020¶
Meetings are open to the public, and anyone can join any meeting.
Tuesday 4/20:
UCMBSD = Use Case & Model Based Standards Development
Wednesday 4/21:
Thursday 4/22:
Friday 4/23:

Near Term Strategy WG Fall 2020 meeting recap:¶
Approximately 30 people attended the Near Term Strategy Working Group over two Zoom sessions. Not only did they attend, but they also WORKED!
Great discussion and sharing of MBD and MBE experiences occurred. Comments from participants include:
- I learned a lot
- It is clear we are all passionate about MBE
- We want MBE to happen and we want forward progress.
- MBE is Huge! (more than engineering)
The working group identified 3 recommendations for the ASME Standards Committee:
- Stand up the Information Connectivity Working Group as generally described in the Recommendations report.
- Focus on building and strengthening liaison relationships with other Standards Development Organizations (SDOs). Target harmonization improvements to facilitate improved communication and joint development of Model-Based Enterprise (MBE) workflows with exchange protocol interoperability, syntactic interoperability, semantic interoperability, and trustworthiness
- Desire for the ASME SC to maintain a repository of useful MBE material such as links to publicly available papers, studies, and presentations.
Did any of the above peak your interest?¶
If so, consider this your invitation to become involved with ASME MBE.
Contact Fredric Constantino to share your interest.
During the 2020 Fall Virtual meeting, a gap was identified, and the Subcommittee (SC) decided to start the next working group. Originally recommended in the ASME MBE Steering Group Recommendation Report to cover “information connectivity consists of bi-directional communication of data from one application to another application or physical asset,” the Working Group hopes to address protocol interoperability, syntactic interoperability, semantic interoperability, and trustworthiness.
The SC is underway approving the charter.
Chair: Brandon Sapp
WG Name: Information Connectivity Working Group
Stay-tuned to participate.
Fall Meeting Recap¶
Framework WG¶
The Framework WG had up to 69 attendees. The group discussed the standards responsibility pyramid and the compared definitions and relationships of frameworks, architectures, specifications, and implementations to various stakeholders.
Topics Discussed:
- ISO IEC IEEE 42010 Framework
- John Boyd's OODA Loop
- Developing a MVP
- User Stories
- Model Needs
- System of Interest
- Viewpoint
- Models
- Capabilities
- Enablers
- Stakeholders
Members find out more here:
The UCMBS WG had 27 attendees.
The UCMBS WG sets its goal to create a set of templates to build the models required by the Framework and Terms working groups. We completed this task and released an initial set of templates that cover the following areas:
- Scenarios
- Systems of Interest
- Viewpoints
- Terms
- Activities
- Requirements or Concerns
- Epics
Members find out more here: Templates
The upcoming meetings will focus on the modeling conversion process using the templates to create a normative representation of SysML information. The process will go through iterations until the workflow until complete.
Terms and Definitions WG¶
The Terms and Definitions WG had 30 attendees.
The group discussed finalizing the "Elite Eight" terms and how definitions could become more abstract to accommodate more breadth of usage scope while addressing the depth of scope of "what we know." The group resolved some understandings on how the definitions of "model" and "model-based definition" fit within the context of MBE. Since term definitions are to be defined by existing terms, the "Elite Eight" terms will need to include support terms with definitions, and thus, more like a "Sweet Sixteen" set of terms may be initially promoted. Furthermore, the group discussed the context and need for a defined set that is an MBE lexicon for humans to communicate. Then that MBE Lexicon could be used to support terms within an ontology for systems engineering.
Near Term Strategy WG¶
The Near Term Strategy WG had over 30 active attendees.
Great discussion and sharing of both MBD and MBE experiences occurred.
Comments from participants include:
- I learned a lot*
- It is clear we are all passionate about MBE*
- We want MBE to happen and we want forward progress.*
- MBE is Huge! (more than engineering)*
3 recommendations were submitted to the ASME MBE Standards Committee.
Members find out more here:
It is not a trivial task to create a framework for Model-Based Enterprise (MBE), but here are the highlights of the Framework Working Group's (WG) latest work:
- We want a dynamic framework to help us understand the structure and relationships within MBE.
- A System of Interest is a domain concept that loosely align to the phases of the product lifecycle.
- A Viewpoint is a context in which models, capabilities, enablers, stakeholders, and responsibilities exist in a specific system of interest.
- We identified the need for global and local capabilities and enablers that apply to all viewpoints in systems of interest.
- A Capability is any concept owned and/or controlled by MBE directly. For example, digital thread.
- An Enabler is any concept leveraged, applied, and/or deployed that is owned and/or controlled by something other than MBE. For example, IT system, Finance.
- The MBE Framework has two goals:
- Providing adopters to map their businesses to the framework
- Enabling MBE standards implementers to quickly discover the MBE architectures and specifications that apply to their viewpoint and system of interest
The WG decided on the following graphic as the baseline for Version 1 of the Framework standard.

Our next steps are to finalize the list of systems of interest, viewpoints, and prepare the standards documentation for public review.
The Terms Working Group submitted 48 terms to the Standards Committee for review. Each term included a broad definition along with a model proof. The Working Group received feedback on 8 high priority terms from the SC and is now working to understand how these 8 terms fit within the framework proposed by the Framework Working Group.
The top eight terms under consideration are:
• Digital Enterprise
• Digital Thread
• Native Model
• Model-Based Definition
• Model
• Model-Based Enterprise
• Product Lifecycle
• Product Lifecycle Management
Want to know more?¶
Learn about the approach the Working Group took to develop terms and definitions¶
Guidelines for Terms¶
- Understand the concept.
- Assign a name to the concept; that is your term .
- Develop the definition.
- Test scope.
- Must want to control term.
- Must be able to control term.
- Must accept the burden (mortgage).
- Iterate as needed.
- You might find you need to evolve to a different term and/or concept, or even break the concept into multiple concepts.
- Revisit scope determination.
Rules for Good Definitions¶
- Identify what type of thing it is (super-type).
- Be minimally sufficient. (normalized definition)
- Focus on the essential nature of the concept.
- Ensure the term is bounded and differentiated.
- Use other terms in lexicon.
- Express in terms of semantic relationships to other terms.
- Do not use term in definition.
- Establish preferred term among equivalent terms.
- Use simple syntax.
- Don’t editorialize.
- Choose the right scope/context.
- Focus of universality within chosen scope, leaving instances for usage.
- Qualify only as needed to differentiate (e.g., purpose, outcome).
- Prove using structured methods (semantic relationships).
Proof of a Good Term Definitions¶
- Run the Guidelines for Good Terms.
- Run the Rules for Good Definitions.
- Model the definition graphically.
- Model the definition using structured text.
- Negotiate equivalence between graphical model, textual model, and definition.
- Ensure the definition provide appropriate, user-friendly indexing.
We meet Nov. 17 - 20, 2020¶
Meetings are open to the public, and anyone can join any meeting.
Tuesday 11/17:
- MBE SC - Opening remarks
- Working Groups: Framework, UCMBSD, Terms, Near Term Working Group
UCMBSD = Use Case & Model Based Standards Development
Wednesday 11/18:
- Working Groups: Framework, UCMBSD, Terms, Near Term
Thursday 11/19:
- Working Groups: Framework, UCMBSD, Terms, Near Term
Friday 11/20:
- Working Groups: Framework, UCMBSD, Terms, Near Term
- Virtual Happy Hour
Prepare for the meetings by:
- Review the PDF agenda details
- Note the meetings you want to attend
- Downloading the .ics files and add to your calendar (each calendar invite includes the Zoom meeting links)

In February 2020, we requested your feedback. Thank you for your participation!¶
We have compiled some results. Check them out.¶
Many reading this news item likely participated in our recent request for information (RFI) surrounding our Model-Based Enterprise (MBE) efforts in the ASME MBE Subcommittee (SC). We had over 180 participants !
As your ASME MBE Standards Committee (SC) representative, this first study helped us gauge interest in MBE topics. It also helped the SC understand more about the RFI participants and their viewpoint regarding where they are in their MBE journey.
We found the following demographics helpful as they provided us insights about the MBE community that we serve.
- Industries that participated
- Size of company / organization / enterprise
- Role or expertise of the participant
- Company score on the NIST MBE Capability Index – as identified by the participant

The SC will use the insights harvested from the RFI to guide how to prioritize our standards activities. We hope to apply any lessons learned to plans and operations around MBE standards creation. We are grateful for your responses! Keep it up.
Active participation from diverse industries and experts is foundational for all to grow into the ASME credo. Please continue to engage, participate, and consider inviting your colleagues to ASME MBE SC activities.
ASME Credo¶
Setting the Standard...
In Engineering Excellence
In Knowledge, Community & Advocacy
For the benefit of humanity
The regularly scheduled fall meeting will be held the week of Nov 16, 2020.
We do not yet have a complete agenda available. However, we do expect it to run similarly to the Spring meeting held in April which included:
- Each working group meeting for 2-3 hour blocks
- A multi-day event, divided into smaller chunks (no 8 hour Zoom meetings)
We are working to avoid scheduling meetings on Veteran's Day (November 11th this year).
Save the Date!