


Recap: Near Term Strategy WG

In November 2020, the Near Term Strategy WG met to guide the SC with near term recommendations.
Added by Jennifer Herron about 4 years ago

Near Term Strategy WG Fall 2020 meeting recap:

Approximately 30 people attended the Near Term Strategy Working Group over two Zoom sessions. Not only did they attend, but they also WORKED!

Great discussion and sharing of MBD and MBE experiences occurred. Comments from participants include:

  • I learned a lot
  • It is clear we are all passionate about MBE
  • We want MBE to happen and we want forward progress.
  • MBE is Huge! (more than engineering)

The working group identified 3 recommendations for the ASME Standards Committee:

  1. Stand up the Information Connectivity Working Group as generally described in the Recommendations report.
  2. Focus on building and strengthening liaison relationships with other Standards Development Organizations (SDOs). Target harmonization improvements to facilitate improved communication and joint development of Model-Based Enterprise (MBE) workflows with exchange protocol interoperability, syntactic interoperability, semantic interoperability, and trustworthiness
  3. Desire for the ASME SC to maintain a repository of useful MBE material such as links to publicly available papers, studies, and presentations.

Did any of the above peak your interest?

If so, consider this your invitation to become involved with ASME MBE.
Contact Fredric Constantino to share your interest.


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