




This page provides public information about the day-to-day operations of the ASME MBE Standards Committee (MBE SC). Herein you will find news about the MBE SC’s activities and publicly available documents released by the MBE SC. People interested in participating and contributing to the MBE SC’s activities should contact the ASME staff secretary for more information and instructions on joining.


Develop standards or related products that provide rules, guidance, and examples for the creation, use and reuse of model-based datasets, data models, and related topics within a Model-Based Enterprise (MBE)

ASME Staff Contact

Fred Constantino
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Two Park Avenue
New York, NY 10016
Phone: 1(212) 591-8684
Fax: 1(212)591-8501

MBE SC Officers

Latest news

Fall 2021 Meeting Agenda
The Fall 2021 ASME MBE Standards meetings will take place the week of 15 NOV and are open to the public. The agenda and topics of focus are now available.
Added by Thomas Hedberg over 3 years ago

Spring Meeting Agenda (2021)
Get ready for the Spring MBE Meetings scheduled to take place the week of 20 APRIL 2021.
Added by Jennifer Herron almost 4 years ago

Recap: Near Term Strategy WG
In November 2020, the Near Term Strategy WG met to guide the SC with near term recommendations.
Added by Jennifer Herron about 4 years ago

Announcing the new Information Connectivity (IC) WG
A new Working Group (WG) is starting which addresses the next steps of MBE standards.
Added by Jennifer Herron about 4 years ago

In Review: 2020 Fall Meeting
We had a successful virtual meeting in November 2020. There was even live modeling!
Added by Jennifer Herron about 4 years ago

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