


In Review: 2020 Fall Meeting

We had a successful virtual meeting in November 2020. There was even live modeling!
Added by Jennifer Herron about 4 years ago

Fall Meeting Recap

Framework WG

The Framework WG had up to 69 attendees. The group discussed the standards responsibility pyramid and the compared definitions and relationships of frameworks, architectures, specifications, and implementations to various stakeholders.
Topics Discussed:

  • ISO IEC IEEE 42010 Framework
  • John Boyd's OODA Loop
  • Developing a MVP
  • User Stories
  • Model Needs
  • System of Interest
  • Viewpoint
  • Models
  • Capabilities
  • Enablers
  • Stakeholders

Members find out more here:


The UCMBS WG had 27 attendees.

The UCMBS WG sets its goal to create a set of templates to build the models required by the Framework and Terms working groups. We completed this task and released an initial set of templates that cover the following areas:

  • Scenarios
  • Systems of Interest
  • Viewpoints
  • Terms
  • Activities
  • Requirements or Concerns
  • Epics

Members find out more here: Templates

The upcoming meetings will focus on the modeling conversion process using the templates to create a normative representation of SysML information. The process will go through iterations until the workflow until complete.

Terms and Definitions WG

The Terms and Definitions WG had 30 attendees.
The group discussed finalizing the "Elite Eight" terms and how definitions could become more abstract to accommodate more breadth of usage scope while addressing the depth of scope of "what we know." The group resolved some understandings on how the definitions of "model" and "model-based definition" fit within the context of MBE. Since term definitions are to be defined by existing terms, the "Elite Eight" terms will need to include support terms with definitions, and thus, more like a "Sweet Sixteen" set of terms may be initially promoted. Furthermore, the group discussed the context and need for a defined set that is an MBE lexicon for humans to communicate. Then that MBE Lexicon could be used to support terms within an ontology for systems engineering.

Near Term Strategy WG

The Near Term Strategy WG had over 30 active attendees.
Great discussion and sharing of both MBD and MBE experiences occurred.
Comments from participants include:

  • I learned a lot*
  • It is clear we are all passionate about MBE*
  • We want MBE to happen and we want forward progress.*
  • MBE is Huge! (more than engineering)*

3 recommendations were submitted to the ASME MBE Standards Committee.
Members find out more here:


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