


Status of MBE Terms and Definitions

Terms WG released the first set of terms to the SC
Added by Jennifer Herron over 4 years ago

The Terms Working Group submitted 48 terms to the Standards Committee for review. Each term included a broad definition along with a model proof. The Working Group received feedback on 8 high priority terms from the SC and is now working to understand how these 8 terms fit within the framework proposed by the Framework Working Group.

The top eight terms under consideration are:
• Digital Enterprise
• Digital Thread
• Native Model
• Model-Based Definition
• Model
• Model-Based Enterprise
• Product Lifecycle
• Product Lifecycle Management

Want to know more?

Learn about the approach the Working Group took to develop terms and definitions

Guidelines for Terms

  1. Understand the concept.
  2. Assign a name to the concept; that is your term .
  3. Develop the definition.
  4. Test scope.
    • Must want to control term.
    • Must be able to control term.
    • Must accept the burden (mortgage).
  5. Iterate as needed.
    • You might find you need to evolve to a different term and/or concept, or even break the concept into multiple concepts.
    • Revisit scope determination.

Rules for Good Definitions

  1. Identify what type of thing it is (super-type).
  2. Be minimally sufficient. (normalized definition)
    • Focus on the essential nature of the concept.
    • Ensure the term is bounded and differentiated.
  3. Use other terms in lexicon.
    • Express in terms of semantic relationships to other terms.
    • Do not use term in definition.
    • Establish preferred term among equivalent terms.
  4. Use simple syntax.
  5. Don’t editorialize.
  6. Choose the right scope/context.
    • Focus of universality within chosen scope, leaving instances for usage.
    • Qualify only as needed to differentiate (e.g., purpose, outcome).
  7. Prove using structured methods (semantic relationships).

Proof of a Good Term Definitions

  • Run the Guidelines for Good Terms.
  • Run the Rules for Good Definitions.
  • Model the definition graphically.
  • Model the definition using structured text.
  • Negotiate equivalence between graphical model, textual model, and definition.
  • Ensure the definition provide appropriate, user-friendly indexing.


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