


Framework Working Group Update

The MBE SC is developing a tiered Framework to define the high-level structure and concepts that compose a Model-Based Enterprise
Added by Jennifer Herron over 4 years ago

It is not a trivial task to create a framework for Model-Based Enterprise (MBE), but here are the highlights of the Framework Working Group's (WG) latest work:

  • We want a dynamic framework to help us understand the structure and relationships within MBE.
    • A System of Interest is a domain concept that loosely align to the phases of the product lifecycle.
    • A Viewpoint is a context in which models, capabilities, enablers, stakeholders, and responsibilities exist in a specific system of interest.
  • We identified the need for global and local capabilities and enablers that apply to all viewpoints in systems of interest.
    • A Capability is any concept owned and/or controlled by MBE directly. For example, digital thread.
    • An Enabler is any concept leveraged, applied, and/or deployed that is owned and/or controlled by something other than MBE. For example, IT system, Finance.
  • The MBE Framework has two goals:
    • Providing adopters to map their businesses to the framework
    • Enabling MBE standards implementers to quickly discover the MBE architectures and specifications that apply to their viewpoint and system of interest

The WG decided on the following graphic as the baseline for Version 1 of the Framework standard.


Our next steps are to finalize the list of systems of interest, viewpoints, and prepare the standards documentation for public review.

ASME-MBE-Framework-Standard-v01.png (31.6 KB) ASME-MBE-Framework-Standard-v01.png Jennifer Herron, 11/03/2020 01:30 AM


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