2020 06 June » History » Revision 1
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Thomas Hedberg, 06/08/2020 05:36 PM
- Table of contents
First, I hope that all of our colleagues are continuing to manage and remain healthy during current COVID-19 health crisis.
In this issue of the ASME MBE SC newsletter, you will learn about the upcoming virtual public MBE standards meetings, an active Request for Information (RFI) survey to solicit input from our MBE stakeholders, and the next steps for the Near-Term Strategy Working Group.
In addition, NIST decided to cancel the MBE Summit 2020 to protect the health and safety of NIST employees and the American public they continue to serve. While this is an unfortunate decision, ASME and the MBE SC agree NIST made the correct choice. Therefore, the MBE SC can not proceed with the upcoming Spring standards meetings that were to be co-located with the MBE Summit 2020 at NIST. Instead, the MBE SC will host a series of virtual meetings this week. Please read on to find the details for participating in the virtual MBE standards meetings!
Thank you,
Thomas Hedberg, Jr.
MBE SC Hosts Successful Virtual Public Meetings¶
The ASME MBE Standards Committee and all of its working groups held successful public meetings virtually during the week 30 MAR 2020 where progress was made.
MBE SC Welcomes Four New Members¶
The ASME MBE SC, with approval from the ASME BST, grew the SC by adding four members to the committee. Click read more to meet the new members and read their bios.
MBE SC Approves and Publishes its Governance Guide¶
The ASME MBE Standards Committee approved and published a committee governance guide. The guide sets the expectations and processes of the standards committee's activities.
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Updated by Thomas Hedberg almost 5 years ago · 1 revisions
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