


MBE SC Approves and Publishes its Governance Guide

The ASME MBE Standards Committee approved and published a committee governance guide. The guide sets the expectations and processes of the standards committee's activities.
Added by Thomas Hedberg almost 5 years ago

The MBE Standards Committee (SC) published a governance guide last month. The governance guide includes the structures, responsibilities, and processes that the MBE SC uses to direct and manage its operations, determine how authority is exercised, how decisions are made and/or taken, and how stakeholder needs are addressed. The MBE SC is implementing the governance guide to dictate the structure and standards development methodology of the MBE SC and its subcommittees. The MBE SC hopes the governance guide will help set expectations for new members joining the standards activities and for the public. The governance guide if publicly available at:

The governance guide is intended to be a pointer to all the ANSI-accredited policies and procedures of ASME. All MBE standards management needs to be in accordance with the policies, procedures, and guidelines of ASME, which are accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and available at: The MBE SC governance guide provides links to and guidance for complying with the ANSI-accredited Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with Supplemental Requirements for Committees under the Jurisdiction of the Board on Standardization & Testing and the Guide to Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees. The ANSI-accredited policies, procedures, and guidelines for ASME will take ultimate precedence in the case of any conflict with the governance guide.


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