- Table of contents
- ASME MBE Standards Committee Governance Guide
- Verbal Forms
- Officer Definitions
- Standards Committee
- Subcommittee
- Working Group
- Miscellaneous Groups
- Member On-boarding
- Meetings
- Communications
- Voting
- Standards Development
- Standards Models Delivery
ASME MBE Standards Committee Governance Guide¶
Version 1. Approved by the MBE SC with Ballot# 20-1361 on 13 MAY 2020.
Governance includes the structures, responsibilities, and processes that the Model-Based Enterprise (MBE) Standards Committee (SC) uses to direct and manage its operations, determine how authority is exercised, how decisions are made and/or taken, how stakeholder needs are addressed. The MBE SC implements this governance guide to dictate the structure and standards development methodology of the MBE SC and its subcommittees.
Further, the MBE SC ensures the MBE standards do not define or dictate specific business processes. The MBE SC defines methods and tools that facilitate model-based business processes, standardized interfaces for exchanging model-based data, model-based interactions between business processes, and facilitate coordination with other SDOs working in domains related to MBE The MBE SC shall leave business-specific-operations definitions to industry and government organizations.
The MBE SC and its subcommittees work together toward common goals. The goals of the MBE SC shall be defined in its charter, its main governance documents, and standards.
All MBE standards management needs to be in accordance with the policies, procedures, and guidelines of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and available at: (https://www.asme.org/about-asme/governance).
This governance guide provides links to and guidance for complying with the ANSI-accredited Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with Supplemental Requirements for Committees Under the Jurisdiction of the Board on Standardization & Testing and the Guide to Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees. The ANSI-accredited Procedures with Supplemental Requirements for Committees Under the Jurisdiction of the Board on Standardization & Testing for ASME shall take ultimate precedence in the case of any conflict with this governance guide.
The publication of this governance guide should not be interpreted as superseding any policies and procedures reviewed and/or approved by any accreditation board. This governance guide shall not be an auditable document under the ANSI-accredited Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with Supplemental Requirements For Committees Under the Jurisdiction of the Board on Standardization & Testing or any ANSI accreditation requirements.
Verbal Forms¶
The following terms are the approved verbal forms for the purposes of this governance guide and all ASME MBE standards activities. These verbal forms conform to the Section SG1-8 of the ASME Codes and Standards Writing Guide and Editorial Style Guide (ASME WG/SG-2019).
The verbal form “shall” indicates requirements to be followed strictly to conform to this document and from which no deviation is permitted. Shall is synonymous with "must."
The verbal form “should” indicates that one possibility among a set of possibilities is recommended as particularly suitable (without excluding other possibilities) or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required.
The verbal form “may” indicates a course of action permissible within the limits of the document.
Officer Definitions¶
Roles and duties in the MBE SC and its subgroups shall follow Section 4 of the Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental. The approved list of officers is:
- Chair
- One or more Vice Chair(s)
- Technical Secretary
- ASME Staff Secretary
The officers are the champions of decorum and professionalism in the MBE SC. The officers shall project a unified front and vision to the whole MBE SC and the public. Any disagreements among the officers shall remain within the boundary of the officers. When a final decision is made, the officers shall all support it.
The governance provided herein is a supplement to the guidance contained in the Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental.
Standards Committee¶
The Standards Committee shall be established and operate in accordance with Section 3 of the ANSI-accredited Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental.
Roles, Responsibilities, and Duties¶
The Standards Committee (SC) (also referred to as the main committee) is responsible for the development of all MBE standards. The SC is responsible for developing consensus on proposed standards actions. A tier of subcommittees that report to the Standards Committee may be established. The organizational structure for the MBE SC shall be the responsibility of the MBE SC in consultation with ASME.
The Chair, Vice-chair(s), ASME Staff Secretary, and Technical Secretary, if appointed, are responsible for governance. These members are referred to as the MBE SC Officers.
The MBE SC members shall appoint one Chair. The appointment, roles, responsibilities, and duties of the MBE SC Chair shall be in accordance with Section 4 of the Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental. The Chair shall be the executive officer of the standards committee, preside at meetings, and perform duties customarily associated with such office.
The MBE SC members shall appoint no more than two Vice Chairs. The appointment, roles, responsibilities, and duties of the MBE SC Vice Chairs shall be in accordance with Section 4 of the Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental. The Vice Chairs shall share equal responsibility. The Vice Chairs shall fulfill the duties of the Chair’s office, as designated by the Chair, in the absence of the Chair and shall perform other duties as may be assigned by the Chair.
Technical and ASME Staff Secretaries¶
The MBE SC members should appoint one Technical Secretary. The Technical Secretary shall be in addition to the ASME Staff Secretary. The Technical Secretary is an optional position. The ASME Staff Secretary is a member of the standards committee without vote and designated from the Standards and Certification Directorate. The appointment of the MBE SC Technical Secretary shall be in accordance with Section 4.2 of the Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental or by Chair selection. The roles, responsibilities, and duties of the Technical Secretary shall be to assist the Chair with managing the technical administration of the MBE SC (e.g., keeping meeting notes and minutes, maintaining an attendance roster) and perform other duties assigned by the Chair.
Voting Member¶
An MBE SC Voting Member is an individual willing to participate in work within the charter of the MBE SC. The appointment, roles, responsibilities, and duties of a MBE SC Voting Member shall be in accordance with Section 3 of the ANSI-accredited Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental.
The MBE SC shall operate within the SC's approved charter. The charter for the MBE SC shall be approved and maintained by the ASME Board of Standardization and Testing.
Membership Terms¶
The term of all members of the MBE SC shall not exceed five (5) years, in accordance with para. 3.2 of the ANSI-accredited Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental. The term of each officer shall not exceed three (3) years, and no more than two (2) consecutive terms in each office may be served, in accordance with para. 4.2.1 of the ANSI-accredited Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental.
Reporting. All reporting on the performance and status of the MBE SC as required by the policies, procedures, and guidelines of the ASME shall be in accordance with the ANSI-accredited [Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development with S&T Supplemental](https://cstools.asme.org/csconnect/FileUpload.cfm?View=yes&ID=57841 and the Guide to Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees. Further, all reporting shall be retained in accordance with ASME Codes and Standards Policy CSP-38, Document Retention. The ASME Staff Secretary shall notify the MBE SC of the required reporting 60-days prior to the due dates for any required reporting.
Planning. The MBE SC shall develop a mission statement and a vision statement for the MBE standards activities. The mission statement is a concise summary of the overall objective of the MBE SC and its Subordinate Groups. The mission statement describes what the MBE SC hopes to achieve. The vision statement indicates where the MBE SC wants to be in the future. The MBE SC should develop and maintain a five-year plan.
The MBE SC should periodically conduct a SWOT analysis. SWOT is an acronym that stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The MBE SC should make an honest assessment of what the MBE standards activities and leaders are great at doing, and of what they need to improve upon. The MBE SC should also look for opportunities in the market and examine any threats that might prevent the MBE standards activities from achieving its goals. A SWOT analysis should help the MBE SC identify areas that may require strategic actions.
Each year, the MBE SC should publish publicly a list of goals for the following five-year period. The MBE SC should review the goals at least once per year. The MBE SC should start with the five-year goal and work backward to establish achievable goals over shorter time periods (e.g., one-year goals).
Metrics. The MBE SC should evaluate its goals and establish corresponding key performance indicators (KPI). The MBE SC should use KPI data to scale up successful strategies and to put more resources over a five-year period toward the most important strategies. The MBE SC should review and document the performance of the committee on a biannual basis.
Meeting Attendance. A meeting is any scheduled gathering of the MBE SC where a quorum is expected (e.g., face-to-face meeting, teleconference). The MBE SC officers shall review the attendance records on a biannual basis. The ASME Staff Secretary or the MBE SC Technical Secretary shall maintain the attendance record for each member of the MBE SC.
Members with an attendance history of less than 70 percent since the last review shall be notified by the MBE SC Chair. The MBE SC Chair shall offer to work with the member to understand if there are any extenuating circumstances impeding the member's attendance. The MBE SC Chair and the member may work together to improve the member's attendance in MBE SC meetings. If the member does not improve his/her attendance during the next review cycle, the MBE SC, with a two-thirds vote, may recommend, to the ASME Board of Standardization and Testing, the removal of the member from the MBE SC. or changing their membership to a contributing member. If the member is an officer, the MBE SC, with a two-thirds vote, may recommend, to the ASME Board of Standardization and Testing, the removal of the officer from the MBE SC office. Votes for recommending the removal of a member and/or officer shall be registered using the ballot process in C&S Connect. An individual whose appointment has been terminated may appeal this action.
The subcommittees of the MBE SC shall be established and operated in accordance with Section 5 of the ANSI-accredited Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental.
Roles, Responsibilities, and Duties¶
When subordinate standards groups are required, a standards development subcommittee shall be established by a majority vote of the MBE SC and in accordance with para. 5.1 and para. 7.7 of the [Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees](with S&T Supplemental](https://cstools.asme.org/csconnect/FileUpload.cfm?View=yes&ID=57841). Subcommittees are advisory to the MBE SC and shall remain within the technical scope of the subcommittees charter. When such groups engage in drafting proposed standards or parts of standards, individuals having substantial knowledge of the subject of the proposed standard shall be included. Individual subcommittee members need not be MBE SC members.
The officers of a subcommittee shall be one Chair, one Vice Chair, and one optional Technical Secretary. The appointment, roles, responsibilities, and duties of subcommittee officers shall follow the same guidance as the MBE SC officers and shall be in accordance with Section 5 of the Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental. A member shall not hold more than one chair position within the MBE SC and its subcommittees at any given time.
Voting member¶
A subcommittee Voting Member is a technically qualified individual willing to participate in work within the charter of the subcommittee. The appointment, roles, responsibilities, and duties of a subcommittee Voting Member shall be in accordance with Section 5 of the Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental.
Alternate-voting member¶
A subcommittee Alternate-voting Member is a technically qualified individual willing to participate in work within the charter of the subcommittee. A subcommittee Alternate-voting Member shall be designated by the Voting Member. The appointment of a subcommittee Alternate-voting Member shall be in accordance with para. 3.2.1(b) of the Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental. The Alternate-voting Member shall fulfill the roles, responsibilities, and duties of the Voting Member in the absence of the Voting Member.
Non-voting member¶
A subcommittee Non-voting member is a contributing member that contributes to a subcommittee by reviewing and commenting on standards and proposals. A subcommittee Non-voting member shall possess the technical qualifications described for subcommittee Voting Members. The appointment, roles, responsibilities, and duties of a subcommittee Non-voting Member shall be in accordance with para. 3.4 of the Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental.
The subcommittee shall operate within the subcommittee's approved charter. The charter for the subcommittee shall be approved and maintained by the MBE SC.
If required, subcommittee charters may be changed by a majority vote of the MBE SC.
If required, subcommittee charters may be revoked by a two-thirds vote of the MBE SC.
Membership Appointment and Terms¶
Appointment of members to the subcommittee shall be by the recommendation of the subcommittee chair and majority approval from the MBE SC and in accordance with para. 5.1 and para. 7.7 of the Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development with S&T Supplemental.
The term of all subcommittee members shall not exceed five (5) years, in accordance with Appendix III.1.1 of the ANSI-accredited Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental. The term of each officer shall not exceed three (3) years, and no more than two (2) consecutive terms in each office may be served, in accordance with para. 5.2.1 of the ANSI-accredited Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental. This limit can be exceeded for special circumstances (see para. 5.2.1)
Reporting. Each subcommittee shall provide the MBE SC with a biannual report. The subcommittee chair shall deliver the report to the MBE SC. The report shall be delivered as a presentation at a face-to-face meeting or as a written report. The report shall describe the state of the subcommittee's activities since the previous report and the subcommittee's plan for the next reporting period. The report may include other information deemed necessary for reporting by the subcommittee.
Planning. Each subcommittee shall assist the MBE SC in all strategic planning related to the subcommittee's activities. The subcommittee shall develop a work plan and schedule for internal subcommittee use. At a minimum, the work plan and schedule must include the span of time for the subcommittee's current reporting period (See Reporting in the previous paragraph). The work plan and schedule shall be delivered to the MBE SC on request.
Meeting Attendance. The subcommittee chair, or his/her designee, shall maintain the attendance record for each member of the subcommittee. A meeting is any scheduled gathering of the subcommittee where a quorum is expected (e.g., face-to-face meeting, teleconference). The subcommittee officers shall review the attendance records on a semi-annual basis.
All members with an attendance history of less than 70 percent since the last review shall be notified by the subcommittee chair. The subcommittee chair shall offer to work with the member to understand if there are any extenuating circumstances impeding the member's attendance. The subcommittee chair and the member may work together to improve the member's attendance in the subcommittee meetings. If the member does not improve his/her attendance during the next review cycle, the subcommittee chair shall report the member to the MBE SC Chair and the MBE SC with a two-thirds vote may then remove the member from the subcommittee or changing their membership to a contributing member. If the subcommittee member is an officer, the MBE SC, with a two-thirds vote, may remove the officer from the subcommittee office. Votes for recommending the removal of a member and/or officer shall be registered using the ballot process in C&S Connect.
Disbandment of Subordinate Groups¶
When subordinate groups are no longer needed, they shall be disbanded by a two-thirds vote of the MBE SC.
Working Group¶
The MBE SC may establish working groups to address needs within an area of assigned responsibilities defined by the MBE SC. Working groups shall be one of the three types: 1) standing, 2) chartered, 3) ad-hoc.
Standing. A standing working group shall perform a continuing function, and remain in existence permanently or for the life of the MBE SC that establishes the working group. A standing working group shall be constituted by a resolution adopted by the MBE SC with a two-thirds vote. The MBE SC shall appoint working group leadership and members of a standing working group with a majority vote and in accordance with para. 7.7 Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental. Leadership and members of the standing working group shall serve for a term corresponding to that of the MBE SC members, or until the MBE SC appoints successors.
Chartered. A chartered working group is a special working group appointed by the MBE SC, as the need arises, to carry out a specified task, at the completion of which, the working group will cease to exist. A chartered working group shall be constituted by a charter approved by the MBE SC with a majority vote or in accordance with para. 7.7 Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental. The MBE SC shall appoint a chartered working group to only work on tasks that are not already covered by a standing working group. The working group charter shall provide the period of performance, purpose, expected outcomes, scope, assumptions, and constraints for the chartered working group. The MBE SC shall appoint a working group leader with a majority vote or in accordance with para. 7.7 Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental. The working group leader shall appoint members to the chartered working group with the advice and consent of the MBE SC. Leadership and members of the chartered working group shall serve for a term corresponding to that of the MBE SC members, or until the MBE SC and/or the working group leader appoints successors.
Ad-hoc. An ad-hoc working group is a special working group appointed by the MBE SC, as the need arises, to carry out a specified task for the MBE SC. The ad-hoc working group members shall be a subset of MBE SC members. The MBE SC shall appoint a working group leader with a majority vote or in accordance with para. 7.7 Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental. The working group leader shall appoint members to the ad-hoc working group with the advice and consent of the MBE SC. Leadership and members of the ad-hoc working group shall serve for a term corresponding to that of the MBE SC members, or until the MBE SC and/or the working group leader appoints successors.
Roles, Responsibilities, and Duties¶
A Working Group (WG) is a group of experts working together to achieve specified goals as appointed and defined by the MBE SC. A WG is domain-specific and focuses on discussion or activity around a specific subject area.
The MBE SC shall appoint one WG Leader by majority vote or in accordance with para. 7.7 Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental. The WG Leader shall be the executive officer of the WG, preside at meetings, and perform duties customarily associated with such office.
The WG Leader shall nominate WG Members. The MBE SC shall approve the WG Members by majority vote and in accordance with para. 7.7 Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental. WG Members shall be technically qualified individuals willing to participate in work within the charter of the subcommittee.
All working groups shall provide a status report to the MBE SC on a biannual basis. The working group leader shall deliver the report to MBE SC. The report shall be delivered as a presentation at a face-to-face meeting or as a written report. The report shall describe the state of the working group's activities since the previous report and the working group's plan for the next reporting period. The report may include other information deemed necessary for reporting by the working group.
All working groups should develop a work plan and schedule for internal working group use. The work plan and schedule shall be delivered to the MBE SC on request.
Chartered. Chartered working groups should develop a detailed plan that addresses the working group charter. The chartered working group plan shall include: objective, deliverables, schedule, acceptance criteria, success factors, risk assessment, and work phases. The chartered working group plan shall be presented to the MBE SC within 90 days of the start of the working group's period of performance. The MBE SC shall provide advice and consent on the chartered working group plan.
Meeting Attendance¶
The working group leader, or his/her designee, shall maintain the attendance record for each member of the working group. A meeting is any scheduled gathering of the working group (e.g., face-to-face meeting, teleconference). The working group leader shall deliver the attendance record to the MBE SC on a semi-annual basis.
Miscellaneous Groups¶
Internal to MBE SC¶
An MBE Liaison is a (voting or non-voting member) whose contribution to a subcommittee is through review and comment on standards and proposals from the perspective of the ASME MBE Subcommittee or Working Group for which the liaison represents. The MBE SC Chair shall appoint the Liaison. The Liaison shall serve for a term corresponding to that of the MBE SC members, or until the MBE SC Chair appoints a successor.
Internal to ASME¶
An ASME Liaison is a (voting or non-voting member whose contribution to a subcommittee is through review and comment on standards and proposals from the perspective of the ASME SC for which the liaison represents. The MBE SC Chair and the other ASME SC Chair shall appoint the Liaison with the advice and consent of the MBE SC and the other ASME SC. The liaison should be a member of both the MBE SC or one of its subgroups and the other ASME SC or one of its subgroups.
External to ASME¶
An External to ASME Liaison is a guest to the MBE SC whose contribution to the MBE SC or one of its subordinate groups is through review and comment on standards and proposals from the perspective of that external organization for which the liaison represents. The appointment, roles, responsibilities, and duties shall be at the administrative discretion of the MBE SC. An external liaison shall fulfill the requirements to be added to the MBE Subject Matter Expert Support Group.
Ad-Hoc Subject Matter Experts¶
Subject Matter Experts may be invited to contribute to the MBE SC or one of its subgroups through review and comment on standards and proposals. The MBE SC Chair or the MBE SC may appoint the Subject Matter Expert to the respective group. A subcommittee Chair or a working group leader may appoint the Subject Matter Expert to the respective group with approval of the MBE SC. A Subject Matter Expert shall fulfill the requirements to be added to the MBE Subject Matter Expert Support Group.
MBE Subject Matter Expert Support Group¶
The MBE SC shall maintain, with assistance from the ASME Staff Secretary, a MBE Subject Matter Expert (SME) Support Group consisting of all interested individuals willing to participate in MBE standards activities. The MBE SME Support Group is a special subgroup of the MBE SC that is used for the sole purpose of collecting a group of qualified individuals who are approved to participate in MBE standards activities. Membership to the MBE SME Support Group shall be automatic upon the individual submitting completed PAF and PF-1 forms to ASME and with review and approval by the ASME Staff Secretary. Unless assigned to a subcommittee or working group, a member of the MBE SME Support Group shall be treated as a guest to the activities of the MBE SC and its other subgroups.
A Guest is an individual who has expressed interest in the MBE work, but is not approved to participate in the MBE standards activities. A Guest may participate in any MBE SC, subcommittee, and/or WG meetings.
Member On-boarding¶
Rules, Communication, and Code of Conduct¶
When potential members express interest or are recruited, a member-engagement checklist shall be provided to the individual.
Potential Member Checklist – the ASME Staff Secretary shall be responsible for executing the following checklist
- Send Welcome Packet
- Send ASME MBE standards committee participation application (e.g., PAF, PF-1)
- Send completed application to SC Officers for review
- Conducting a review meeting with the SC Officers
- Gain approval or declination from MBE SC
- Communicate status to Potential Member
Post Approval Checklist – the ASME Staff Secretary, shall be responsible for executing the checklist
- Provide access to necessary systems (e.g., Redmine, C&S Connect)
- Send last links to the MBE SC Minutes to new member3. Introduce the new member to the MBE SC via system communication and announced during next meeting
- Add new member to appropriate MBE SC or subgroups
- Assign work and tasks to new member
Member Maintenance¶
Member maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, communicating logistics and managing change-out of members and alternative voting members. All active members shall be maintained in the MBE SC systems (e.g., Redmine, C&S Connect) by ASME Staff Secretary and the SC Officers. A minimum of monthly communication shall occur (e.g. email, system notifications, meetings) and include MBE SC status. Members shall be notified annually of each calendar year of their status (e.g., Active, Probationary, De-activated).
The MBE SC shall meet in-person and/or via teleconference on a regular basis. In-person meetings shall take place no less than two times per year. Agendas shall be made available to the members of the MBE SC, subcommittees, and working groups prior to the meetings. The agendas shall be accessible on the committee webpage in C&S Connect. The MBE SC, subcommittees, and working groups may conduct working sessions, at their discretion, via web-conferencing tools.
- All in-person meetings shall be advertised to the public no less than 60 days prior to the meeting.
- All in-person meetings shall follow Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11th Edition (RONR) for conducting business at meetings and public gatherings.
- Minutes of all in-person meetings shall be taken and released via the ASME MBE Public Wiki and archived in C&S Connect within 60 days after the meeting.
- All in-person meetings shall be open to the public.
Web-conference Working Session¶
- All web-conference working sessions shall use a web-meeting system that is accessible to all required members, unless no system can be found that is accessible to all members. If no system can be found that is accessible to all members, the system that is accessible to the majority of members shall be used.
- A single host shall preside over each web-conference and manage the conduct of remote attendees and allow participation from attendees who wish to contribute on the phone.
- Notes of web-conference working sessions shall be taken and made available to the members.
- All web-conference working sessions shall be open to all members and other attendees as invited by the Chair or Leader.
- Web conferences shall not be recorded by the host. This restriction includes the audio, video, screen graphics, chats, and any other portion of the meeting.
- Per ASME rules, web conferences and other meetings shall not be recorded by any attendees. This restriction includes the audio, video, screen graphics, chats, and any other portion of the meeting.
MBE SC Executive Session¶
- The MBE SC, at its discretion, may convene an executive session to discuss confidential or executive business.
- Minutes of executive sessions shall be taken and made available to the MBE SC members. Executive session minutes shall not be released publicly.
- All executive sessions shall be open to only MBE SC members and other attendees the Chair deems necessary for the session.
- All disciplinary and membership matters related to the MBE SC and its activities should be discussed in executive session.
All edicts and direction to the MBE SC and its subordinate groups shall be communicated from the MBE SC Chair. Edicts shall be discussed among the MBE SC officers and then disseminated by the MBE SC Chair.
The MBE SC Chair shall approve any public comments and presentations by ASME SC members regarding ASME MBE SC activity. This includes current activity, planning, future activity, status, personnel, and other issues. It is important that the ASME MBE SC presents as unified presence as possible to the public and other organizations.
Announcements and Notices¶
At the direction of the MBE SC Chair, all general communications (e.g., announcements, dissemination of meeting minutes) shall come from the ASME Staff Secretary, the MBE SC Technical Secretary, a designee of the MBE SC Chair, or the MBE SC Chair.
External Outreach¶
Public communications should be released periodically to assist with recruiting new members to the ASME MBE standards activities and to educate the public on the goals, activities, and outputs of the MBE SC. The MBE SC shall maintain a database of interested people and organizations. The MBE SC should send a monthly newsletter to the database of members and interested people and organizations.
Voting Eligibility¶
(for definition of terms in standards actions see para 1.3 of the ANSI-accredited Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental:
The term consensus committee is a subset of the standards committee having responsibility for final approval of standards actions.
- Voting rights are given to:
- Members
- Designated Alternates (when member is unavailable)
- Delegates (on first consideration ballots for standards actions)
- No voting rights are given to:
- Contributing Members
- Representative of absent member
Voting Obligations for Standards Actions¶
See para 7.1 of the ANSI-accredited Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental. Standards committee participants eligible to vote, or their designated alternate, shall be obligated to vote on each committee action and are encouraged to vote as early as possible.
(Reference para 7 of the ANSI-accredited Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental
Ballots for approval of standards actions shall be recorded in C&S Connect.
Standards committee actions:
(1) Approval or rejection of and/or comment on a proposed new standard, a proposed revision to an existing standard, a proposal to reaffirm an existing standard, or a proposal to withdraw an existing standard (See para. 7.2.
(2) Approval or rejection of and/or comment on a proposal to maintain a standard under the stabilized maintenance option and to continue to maintain a standard under this option (See para. 7.2.6.
(3) Approval or rejection of and/or comment on national adoptions of ISO or IEC standards (See para. 7.3.
(4) Approval or rejection of and/or comment on editorial actions (See para. 7.4.
(5) Approval or rejection of and/or comment on personnel and administrative items or actions relating to policy or ASME position. Note: Personnel and Administrative Items may be a recorded ballot on C&S Connect or a majority vote of approval at a committee meeting, provided a quorum is present. (See para 7.7.
Voting on items other than STANDARDS COMMITTEE ACTIONS¶
The MBE SC and its subgroups may call for votes. Recorded votes may document committee agreement on procedural items and strategic decisions. There shall be a quorum present for voting. The meeting minutes or notes shall indicate meeting attendance, the motion considered, and the result of the vote.
Voting eligibility for voting on items other than STANDARDS COMMITTEE ACTIONS are as follows:
- Informal voting rights are given to:
- Members
- Designated Alternates (when member is unavailable)
- Representative of absent member
- No informal voting rights are given to:
- Contributing Members
- Delegates
Standards Development¶
General Development Method¶
MBE requires the use of models in various forms across all phases of the product lifecycle. The models should become the primary information source for communication in MBE. The MBE SC shall consider how model-based methods can assist and benefit the MBE standards-development process. A model-based standards development (MBSD) methodology shall mandate the use of modeling to analyze and define key aspects of MBE standards and their lifecycles. The MBSD methodology may speed the development of standards, make the development process more agile in addressing industry needs, and improve the quality and reliability of the standards. The MBE SC should use an agile approach to tackle the complex challenges of MBE standards. The MBE SC should consider methods that can reduce the time required to release standards. The ASME MBE SC should develop a modular-standards wherever possible. Where possible, standards should be released in multiple increments per year.
The MBE SC shall define and adopt an MBSD methodology as part of an overall MBE SC governance policy. The purpose of the MBSD methodology shall be to ensure a uniform application of modeling methods to the development of the MBE standards and to provide the greatest value to stakeholders. The MBSD methodology shall include guidance for modeling languages, verification and validation (V&V), configuration management, standards delivery, and other aspects as required.
C&S Writing and Style Guide¶
The format and style of all written material (e.g., standards, reports, white papers) released publicly by the MBE SC shall be in accordance with the ASME Codes and Standards Writing Guide and Editorial Style Guide (ASME WG/SG-2019). The Use Cases and Model-Based Standards Development Working Group shall maintain a style guide for models.
Modeling Language¶
The Use Cases and Model-Based Standards Development Working Group is charged with developing recommendations for modeling languages that can be used in standards activities. This section shall be updated as the MBE SC makes decisions on modeling languages.
Configuration Management¶
All normative items shall be placed under configuration management throughout the item's lifecycle. Unless otherwise stated by the MBE SC, the following configuration management elements shall be used by the MBE SC and its subordinate groups:
- A configured item shall be defined as the smallest set of standardized content where each component of the set cannot be used independently of the other members of the set.
Each configured item shall be assigned to one of the following lifecycle phases: (1) needs collection, (2) logical / physical modeling, (3) validation, (4) sustainment, and (5) supersede
a. A configured item may skip a lifecycle phase if approved by the MBE SC with a majority vote and in accordance with para. 7.7 Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental.
Each configured item shall pass through the following gates before it can be promoted to the next lifecycle state: (1) requirements definition, (2) verification, (3) validation
a. A configured item shall pass a gate if approved by the subcommittee or working group with a majority vote and in accordance with para. 7.7 Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental.
b. A baseline of all related normative items shall be created and placed under revision control upon passing through a gate.Each configured item shall be placed under revision control.
a. Minor incremental changes shall be tracked by increasing the iteration version using a numeric value preceded by a decimal point (e.g., 0.1, 0.2)
b. For substantial changes that indicate a potential incompatibility with prior versions in the substance of the configured item, the item shall be revised and noted by a whole number (e.g., 1, 2)
c. When stating an item's overall revision level, the revision number and iteration shall be combined (e.g., 1.2, 2.1, 3.0)
d. Iterations shall be used to distinguish the product at the end of a short development sprint. The actual length shall be defined by the relevant subcommittee or working group.
e. Each iteration shall be approved by the chair and vice chair of the relevant subcommittee or working group.
f. Revisions shall be approved by the subcommittee or working group with a majority vote and in accordance with para. 7.7 Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental.The configured item shall be considered released when approved by the MBE SC with a majority vote and in accordance with para. 7.7 Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental and passes the ASME release procedures.
Quality Control¶
All information to be released by the MBE SC shall be reviewed by the MBE SC for accuracy, spelling, grammar, and adherence to ASME policies and procedures.
Verification and Validation¶
Each normative item generated by the MBE SC and/or its subgroups shall be verified and validated prior to release. The exact method for verification and validation shall be defined by the relevant body in a V&V plan. The V&V plan shall be approved by the MBE SC with a majority vote and in accordance with para. 7.7 Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental. Verification may be done through internal-peer review & comment, by members of the relevant body in accordance with para. 7.2.1 of the Procedures for ASME Codes and Standards Development Committees with S&T Supplemental. Validation should be done through an automated review or an external-peer review by members outside of the relevant body.
Approval of governance policy¶
This governance guide shall be approved by the MBE SC with a two-thirds vote. Changes to this governance policy shall be first proposed to the MBE SC officers. After presentation to the MBE SC Officers, the MBE SC Chair shall present the proposed governance policy change to the full MBE SC.
Standards Models Delivery¶
Standards models shall be delivered to the public in an effective and efficient form that the public can use. The following shall be addressed to support standards models delivery:
1. Provide a collaborative model-based standards development environment with access controls. The environment shall be defined, created, and maintained by the MBE SC. Methods and recommendations will be developed by the Use Cases & Model-Based Standards Development Working Group.
2. Provide access to normative standards models to users with appropriate rights (e.g., purchased a license to the standard)
3. Provide validated, informative, document-based derivatives of the standards, where appropriate
4. Evaluate enabling relationships, interfaces, and/or links between standards from different standards development organizations (SDOs) using interoperability platforms.
Normative Sources¶
Normative sources shall be the elements of the MBE standards that are prescriptive. Normative sources shall be followed to comply with requirements defined in the standards. All normative elements that are requirements (e.g., shall statements) shall be followed in all cases to be in conformance. Elements that are recommended (e.g., should statements) should be followed by an organization that wants to be in conformance with recommended practices in an ASME MBE standard. Finally, elements that grant permission (e.g., may statements) are optional.
At a minimum, the standards models shall be normative sources of the MBE standards.
Informative Documentation¶
Informative documentation shall be the elements of the MBE standards that are descriptive. Informative documentation shall be designed to help the standards user understand the concepts presented in the normative sources. Nothing in the informative elements shall be mandatory. If guidance is mandatory, that is if it includes a shall statement, it shall be normative.
At a minimum, the documentation of the models should be informative documentation of the MBE standards. Informative shall be synonymous with the ASME terminology of “non-mandatory.”
Supportive Resources¶
Supportive resources shall be the elements of the MBE standards that are exemplary. Supportive resources shall be designed to help the standards user understand the recommended approaches to using and complying with the standards. Supportive resources may include, but are not limited to, recommended practices, reference implementations, and test cases and/or suites.
Updated by Thomas Hedberg almost 5 years ago · 1 revisions
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