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# 2020 11 November {{>toc}} # [ASME MODEL-BASED ENTERPRISE](https://projects.mbe.institute/projects/asme-mbe-public-page)</p> ## STANDARDS COMMITTEE NEWSLETTER {{date(2020-11-04)}} Hello, Welcome to another issue of the MBE Standards Committee newsletter. It is fall standards meetings time at ASME. Even though we cannot meet in person this fall, the MBE SC planned out a careful schedule for a weeks worth of virtual public meetings. We hope that you can join us for some or all of the sessions planned for the week of 16 November. In this issue of the ASME MBE SC newsletter, you may get retrieve the agenda details for the upcoming fall virtual meetings, get an update from the MBE Terms working group, and hear about the decisions made by the MBE Framework working group. Please stay safe, wear your mask, and wash your hands regularly so we can meet in person someday soon. Thank you, Thomas Hedberg, Jr. Chair, ASME MBE SC ### Bi-Annual Fall 2020 Meeting Will be Virtual [](https://projects.mbe.institute/news/31) The 2020 Spring Zoom meetings worked so well, we are repeating them in November! [READ MORE](https://projects.mbe.institute/news/31) ### Status of MBE Terms and Definitions SC Welcomes Four New Members [](https://projects.mbe.institute/news/26) The ASME MBE Terms and Definitions](https://projects.mbe.institute/attachments/download/488/2020-11_newsImage2_small.jpg)](https://projects.mbe.institute/news/32) Terms WG released SC, with approval from the first set of terms ASME BST, grew the SC by adding four members to the SC. committee. Click read more to meet the new members and read their bios. [READ MORE](https://projects.mbe.institute/news/32) MORE](https://projects.mbe.institute/news/26) ### Framework Working Group Update MBE SC Approves and Publishes its Governance Guide [](https://projects.mbe.institute/news/33) [](https://projects.mbe.institute/news/27) The ASME MBE SC is developing Standards Committee approved and published a tiered Framework to define committee governance guide. The guide sets the high-level structure expectations and concepts that compose a Model-Based Enterprise processes of the standards committee's activities. [READ MORE](https://projects.mbe.institute/news/33) MORE](https://projects.mbe.institute/news/27) [](https://www.facebook.com/ASME.org/) [](https://twitter.com/asmedotorg) Problems or questions? [](mailto:constantinof@asme.org)  [constantinof@asme.org](mailto:constantinof@asme.org)  [ASME](https://www.asme.org/) • Two Park Avenue • New York, NY 10016  © ASME 2020Go to top