2019 09 September » History » Revision 6
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{{toc}} # [ASME MODEL-BASED ENTERPRISE](https://projects.mbe.institute/projects/asme-mbe-public-page)</p> ## STANDARDS COMMITTEE NEWSLETTER 1 September 2019 Hello, Happy Labor Day! Welcome to the first issue of the ASME Model-Based Enterprise Standards Committee (MBE SC) newsletter. I’m excited to be writing to you today because over the past few months the MBE SC has been hard at work setting a foundation for all the MBE standards activities that are to come. Since our first meeting in April 2019 at the MBE Summit in Gaithersburg MD, the MBE SC launched two chartered working groups (Terms and Model-Based Standards Development) and set up a near-term strategy team. The working groups will gather for the first time at our in-person meeting in San Antonio in November. The MBE SC is also in the process of approving a third working group. In addition, the MBE SC agreed to keep the MBE community informed as best as we can on the activities of the committee. That starts today with this newsletter. Going forward, there will be a monthly newsletter to inform the MBE community of our progress and our future plans. In this month’s issue you will learn about the details of the upcoming Fall meeting, the objectives of the two new working groups, and how to possibly be appointed to the MBE Subject-Matter Experts Support Group. Please take a few moments to learn about all the great things happening in MBE. We hope to see you in San Antonio in November! Thank you, Thomas Hedberg, Jr. Chair, ASME MBE SC ### ## Fall 2019 MBE meeting announced for San Antonio in November [](#) ASME asks interested attendees to complete survey to help with planning. [READ MORE](https://projects.mbe.institute/news/4) ### ## Subject matter experts support group for MBE established [](#) Interested parties with completed PAF and PF-1 forms may join. [READ MORE](https://projects.mbe.institute/news/3) ### ## ASME MBE SC launches two working groups [](#) Activities to focus initially on standardizing MBE terms and model-based standards development. [READ MORE](https://projects.mbe.institute/news/2) [](https://www.facebook.com/ASME.org/) | [](https://twitter.com/asmedotorg) Problems or questions? [](mailto:constantinof@asme.org)  [constantinof@asme.org](mailto:constantinof@asme.org)  [ASME](https://www.asme.org/) • Two Park Avenue • New York, NY 10016  © ASME 2019Go to top