


MBE SC announces presentations for Fall 2019 Plenary Session

Three presentations during the opening plenary session of the San Antonio meeting will cover existing and emerging technologies for model-based standards development.
Added by Thomas Hedberg over 5 years ago

Three technical presentations will be made during the opening plenary session in the morning of 13 November in San Antonio, Texas. Information for the three presentations is below:

Using Model-Based and Agile Development Processes to Develop STEP Standards
Presenter: Brandon Sapp (Boeing)
This presentation will discuss how ISO TC184/SC4, the developers of ISO 10303, also known as STEP, are exploring mapping from EXPRESS to SysML to further support model-based standards development. This presentation will also cover the tool chain, Agile Methods, and the publication process that ISO TC 184/SC4 uses.

Transforming legacy, static engineering documents into smart, connected, and change-aware assets
Presenter: Tatyana Vidrevich (XSB)
This presentation will describe specific problems the SWISS platform is trying to address regarding non-geometric information about complex engineering parts. Current approaches to digital models of specifications and the process of modeling specifications will be presented.

Review a Structured Process for Defining Terminology
Presenter: Jeffrey Winter (NNSA, DOE)
This presentation will propose a lexicon framework and approach to developing terms and definitions. Rules, sample formats, notations, and semantic relationships will be discussed.


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