


ASME co-organizing MBE Summit, Talk Deadline Approaches

The MBE Summit 2020 will take place in Gaithersburg, Maryland 30 Mar to 3 Apr 2020. Call for papers, posters, and panels deadline is in approaching.
Added by Thomas Hedberg over 5 years ago

ASME is a co-organizer of the MBE Summit 2020 with NIST, U.S. Department of Defense, and INCOSE. The MBE Summit 2020 will take place 30 March to 3 April 2020 at NIST in Gaithersburg, Maryland. The goal of the MBE Summit is to identify challenges, research, implementation issues, and lessons learned in design, manufacturing, quality assurance, and sustainment of products and processes where a digital three-dimensional (3D) model of the product serves as the authoritative information source for all activities in a product's lifecycle. The theme of the MBE Summit 2020 is Increasing MBE Adoption and Implementation . There is no doubt that MBE requires a complex organizational work design that recognizes the interaction between people, skills, and technology in workplaces. The 11th MBE Summit is focused on highlighting the organizational culture surrounding MBE, needs of people operating in MBE, and real-world implementations of MBE in practice.

Submissions for papers, panels, posters, and vendor demonstrations are being accepted until 9 November 2019. More submission information and instructions are available at:

More information for the MBE Summit 2020 is available at:


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