


ASME MBE SC launches two working groups

Activities to focus initially on standardizing MBE terms and model-based standards development.
Added by Thomas Hedberg over 5 years ago

The ASME Model-Based Enterprise Standards Committee (MBE SC) established two working groups (WGs) to kick off technical work toward the development of MBE Standards. The first two WGs are:

Terms WG
Chair: Curtis Brown,

The Terms WG's focus is to begin collecting and defining terms, acronyms, and abbreviations for use in the MBE Standards. The WG will support consistent definition and application of terms across all ASME MBE Standards using a model-based lexicon and approaches.

The initial focus of this WG is to discover, collect, and compile important terms used in the context of MBE. Review and prioritize all terms. Resolve conflicts between terms and definitions. Create new definitions required in the MBE context

Use Cases & Model-Based Standards Development (MBSD) WG
Chair: Will Sobel,

The Use Cases & MBSD WG's focus is the system architectural concerns for various viewpoints to create information models and artifacts that define the MBE standards and can be interpreted by an automated system. The working group is the author and maintainer of the model based methods for generating use cases and standards for MBE.

The ASME MBE SC is actively seeking additional members for each working group. Experts willing to contribute toward the work products of a WG, become eligible for WG membership by submitting completed PAF and PF-1 forms to Fred Constantino at Please indicate the WG(s) you are willing to assist when you submit your completed PAF and PF-1 forms. Questions about either WG may be sent to the WG Chairs.


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