


Out with 2019 and In with 2020!

2019 was a successful first year for the ASME MBE Standards Committee. The SC now looks to springboard forward in 2020. Find out by getting involved!
Added by Thomas Hedberg about 5 years ago

Lat year, 2019, was a great first year for the Model-Based Enterprise (MBE) Standards Committee (SC). The formation of the MBE SC was approved in late-2018 by the ASME Board on Codes & Standards Operations and the ASME Council on Standards and Certification. The membership of the MBE SC was approved in early-2019 by the ASME Board on Standardization & Testing. All of the MBE standards activities are new areas for ASME. The proposed standards will support industry’s use of a digital structure, digital tools, and digital methods throughout the product lifecycle.

In 2019, the MBE SC approved the creation of a general subject-matter experts (SMEs) support group where any interested person that completes a PAF and PF-1 form is granted automatic membership. The SMEs support group is used to recruit participants to the various MBE SC working groups (WGs) and eventual subcommittees. There are 63 SMEs support group members currently. In addition, the MBE SC approved the formation of three chartered WGs: the Terms WG, the Use Cases & Model-Based Standards Development WG, and the MBE Framework WG. These WGs met throughout the last half of 2019 and are making great progress towards recommendations for the first ASME MBE standards. Lastly, the MBE SC also held two face-to-face ASME MBE standards meetings in 2019: April 2019 at NIST in Gaithersburg MD and November 2019 in San Antonio TX. Prospective MBE members are encouraged to attend the face-to-face meetings as well as any WGs teleconferences that are held in-between the face-to-face meetings.

In addition to the three chartered WGs, the MBE SC also formed an ad-hoc Near-Term Strategy Working Group to focus on determining the short term goals, products, and activities needed to support the transition of industry to more model-based methods.

Moving into 2020, the MBE SC remains focused on defining terms for MBE, developing a high-level framework to describe MBE, and describing methods for developing MBE standards using model-based approaches. Below are their purpose statements from each chartered WG.

  • The Terms Working Group’s focus is to begin collecting and defining terms, acronyms, and abbreviations for use in ASME MBE Standards.
  • The MBE Framework Working Group defines the concept of a model-based enterprise by providing a high-level structural definition.
  • The Use Cases & Model-Based Standards Development Working Group defines the methods the MBE SC will use to develop use cases and model-based standards.

The Terms WG and the Use Cases & Model-Based Standards Development WG each currently meet biweekly for a one hour via teleconference to make technical progress. The MBE Framework WG is still forming and hopes to meet at the upcoming Spring 2020 meetings at NIST. As the 2020 work plan gets rolling, the ASME MBE SC hopes that you will become involved with standardization efforts and help usher in the digital transformation of industry's engineering and manufacturing enterprises.


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